Sunday, February 6, 2011

Web Pages Take Over the Yellow pages

In Postmans discussion he talks about how humans become used to or adapt to the changes in technology. We seem not to realize we are taking to machines instead of real people. This agrees with his message in his book "Amusing Ourselves To Death." This is completely true. We find ourselves talking to anything as long as we get an instant response. Weather its a computer screen, an answering machine, a key board, or a cell phone, we don't care. Humans of our time was everything new. Faster, better, cooler, new. We always want the next best thing without realizing what we already have. This creates a problem for our human interaction skills. Soon people won't know how to carry on a conversation face to face, weather they want to or not.

Postman also brings up the topic of human appearance in both his book and his interview. In the interview he talks about how Human cloning is in our near future and can be used for anything from a person to talk to or an extra lung. In his book Postman talks about how looks makes a huge difference in all of our opinions. Now, when people watch a presidential candidate on the T.V they judge him on his looks along with his plans for the country. With the new clones people can use them to change anything about themselves they don't think is "Perfect". This shows people are caring more about the outside then inside. New technology and the new way we think is self centered and judgemental.

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